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Have you seen the recent news on the environmental impact of facial scrubs? See here and here.  Not only do these microbead containing products pollute our lakes, rivers and oceans, they also come packed full with harsh chemicals and preservatives you might want to think twice about before scrubbing into your skin everyday.

Here’s a quick, simple way to get that radiant glow back into your complexion at no cost to the environment, or your health. We’re going to make a lemon sugar scrub. This is so incredibly easy and your skin will feel so amazing that you’re going to want to do this ALL THE TIME, however once or twice a week is probably enough.


Bonus: Lemon juice is a natural brightener, so if you have skin discoloration, age spots, or acne scars, this scrub may help even out your skin tone and fade those unwanted marks.

Bonus: Lemon juice is a natural brightener, so if you have skin discoloration, age spots, or acne scars, this scrub may help even out your skin tone and fade those unwanted marks.

Here’s what you’ll need:

    • 1 TBSP Organic granulated sugar
    • Juice from 1/2 an organic lemon or approximately 1-2 TBSP
    • Warm water

What to do:

    • Remove any makeup with a natural cleanser if needed (coconut oil makes a great makeup remover).
    • Splash warm water on your face to help open up the pores.
    • Place 1 TBSP organic sugar in a small dish and squeeze in the juice from 1/2 a lemon.
    • Use your fingers to gently apply the sugar scrub to your face and neck, then use a clean slightly damp wash cloth to gently exfoliate, massaging in circular motions.
    • Rinse your face with warm water. Pat dry and follow up with your favorite moisturizer (more coconut oil perhaps).

You may have some redness immediately after exfoliation, this should fade within 10-20mins depending on how fair your complexion is.


Note: I always recommend using organic products where possible, especially for anything you will be putting directly on your skin. 

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